N-Squared is a collection of resources from sales, engineering, and marketing backgrounds. It was founded upon the following principles:

1. Knowledge: The gathering of information regarding the customer, the products, or the market

2. Application: Applying that knowledge through the prisms of sales, engineering, and marketing

3. Decisiveness: Finally making informed decisive decisions. One of the biggest challenges sales professionals and customers face are ambiguous answers from senior leaders.

These principles have led to the formation of our slogan of:
“Exponentially Providing More Answers than Questions”

Much of today’s modern business techniques involve harnessing massive amounts of data through tools such as CRM and then utilizing custom algorithms to produce analysis. N-Squared see’s value in big data tools and techniques however these methods cannot live in a strict vacuum. It is critical that the results of big data analytics be balanced alongside human interaction and customer feedback.

Because building relationships and real world experience is a cornerstone of our founding, our mission is to help bring balance and offer clients insight into the intangibles which cannot be found through analytics.


Nathan Nye – Principal

The founder of N-Squared, Nathan has often been called a “throwback” and old for his age. Starting his professional journey in the world of Corporate Security & Business Risk Assessment and evolving into Pro AV and IT solution’s Nathan’s career has transverse a vast array of markets and responsibilities. Beginning in 2003 Nathan at the age of 24 took on the challenge of independently opening up a new branch office for D.Y. Nye Co., Inc whose main focus was the reselling of Network Operation solutions for data centers. In 2004 Nathan was instrumental in introducing the US marketplace to Datapath a UK based manufacturer of Video Wall and Video Capture solutions. Following a decade of success with D.Y. Nye Co, Nathan joined Datapath through an acquisition, and was made VP of Sales for North America during which time he established a direct US outpost for the UK manufacturer and helped oversee a 28% growth in revenue for the North American continent.